Dear Madam, dear Sir, dear Applicant
This year, the corridors RFC RALP, RFC NS-M, ScanMed RFC, RFC NS-B and offer you a dedicated Q&A PCS session.
In order to make this meeting as useful as possible for you, would you please send us in advance your questions & expectations?
Here is our draft agenda for Group 3:
17th of February 2021 (09:00-11:00) and 18th of February (14:00-16:00)
5min welcome & short introduction
10min specific presentation RFC RALP catalogue & novelties
10min specific presentation RFC NS-M catalogue & novelties
10min specific presentation ScanMed RFC catalogue & novelties
10min specific presentation RFC NS-B catalogue & novelties
75min question & response session
Please send your questions/expectations to pd@scanmedfreight.eu or Felicia.riedl@deutschebahn.com before Monday 8th , 2021 16:00 pm enabling us to prepare ourselves accordingly.