The Regulation concerning a European Rail Network for Competitive Freight (Regulation EU 913/2010) established a European rail network consisting of international market-oriented Rail Freight Corridors (RFCs). In total, there are now eleven RFCs in Europe (see map below). Each RFC has its own administrative structure, which supports broad cooperation between stakeholders and aims to lead to the harmonisation of technical, operational, and administrative standards. For example, work is being done to ensure that all construction sites and timetables are coordinated across borders and that there is a common understanding of punctuality and quality management along the Corridors.
Aiming to coordinate activities to improve efficiency and harmonization of offer and services, the RFCs have set up the RFC Network, a platform for discussion on issues of common interest, for instance in terms of CEF technical assistance, marketing strategies, and customer satisfaction. This platform is supplemented by the High Level Group for RFCs, whose aim is to integrate the RFCs’ requirements for RNE’s tools and services.