Train Performance Management (TPM)
The Working Groups Train Performance Management are three – a Corridor working group and two regional groups, the Regional Group North covering Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and the North of Germany and the Regional Group South covering the Brenner stretch from Munich to Verona.
All three groups are mainly in charge of assessing punctuality at selected points on the Corridor routes. The Corridor Working group focuses on harmonized reporting and consistent data quality. The Regional groups, in which Railway undertakings participate, primarily analyze delay causes and work on defining mitigation measures. The latter is, in particular, the case of the Regional group North.
For downloading the ScanMed punctuality reports, please visit CIP.
The Regional groups further act on operational matters.

Operations and Regional
The Working Groups Operations are three – a Corridor WG and two regional groups, the latter being shared with the action field of Traffic Performance Management (TPM).
The Corridor WG gathers and harmonizes information on the documentation needed at border check-points, on fallback scenarios in case of disturbances on the Corridor routes, on communication schemes and contact points, in particular on cross-border sections.
The Regional WGs, into which the RUs participate, identify needs of harmonizing operational rules on the cross-border section they cover and work on defining possible solutions.