The Scandinavian Mediterranean Rail Freight Corridor offers with participating Terminals the new product “Terminal Integrated Capacity Offer (TICO).”
The offer only applies to requests subsumed as integrated. Integrated capacity offer meaning a proposal consisting of at least one PaP and a Terminal slot. The PaP may be Terminal-in- or outbound.
TICO consists of several levels, which build on one another and differ in terms of involvement and formal commitment for all involved parties.
Level 1: C-OSS as the facilitator of information exchange
By the beginning of July, the C-OSS forwards to Terminals the train information on Draft TT for the trains that can be expected in Terminals with permission by the applicant.
Level 2: C-OSS as common Post-Box
Applicants can place requests for Terminal Capacity in one step together with the PaP requests. The C-OSS acts as a common Post-Box and collects the requests for both PaPs and Terminal Capacity. The requests for the Terminal Capacity will be forwarded to the Terminals, and they accept these applications as valid requests, which were placed on time. Pre-Allocation and Allocation of the Terminal Capacity are still conducted by the concerned Terminal.
Level 3: Publication of Free Terminal Slots
C-OSS publishes free Terminal Slots connected to published PaPs. Once an applicant has applied for a published slot, the request for the Terminal Capacity will be forwarded to the Terminals, and they accept these applications as valid requests, which were placed on time. Pre-Allocation and Allocation of the Terminal Capacity are still conducted by the concerned Terminal.
Level 4: Publication of Coordinated Terminal Slots and Integrated Offer
C-OSS publishes Terminal Slots, which have already been coordinated with PaPs. Once an Applicant applied for a PaP and a coordinated Terminal Slot, the C-OSS decides which Terminal Slot is to be pre-booked to which applicant. In the case of conflicting applications, the C-OSS decides based on the priority rules established by the Framework for Capacity Allocation. These are agreed by the Ministries in charge of Transport involved in ScanMed RFC following Art.14.1 of the Regulation. Final Allocation of the Terminal Capacity is still conducted by the concerned Terminal.

For TT2024 following Terminals participate in the Pilot with the indicated level:

Applicable rules with Terminals participating in Level 4 can be found in Annex 4.F-1. of the CID TT2024.