Who can apply

All applicants, as defined in Article 15 of Regulation (EU) 913/2010, can apply for capacity on ScanMed RFC. An applicant means a railway undertaking (RU) or an international grouping of RUs or other persons or legal entities, such as shippers, freight forwarders, and combined transport operators, with a commercial interest in procuring infrastructure capacity.
The Executive Boardsof the Rail Freight Corridors (NexBo) also developed Framework for Capacity Allocation (FCA), as provided for in art.14.1 of the Freight Regulation, which constitutes the legal basis for capacity allocation by the C-OSS. You can download the FCA from our Customer Information Platform here: FCA TT 2021 and FCA TT2022.
An applicant must accept the General Terms and Conditions set by ScanMed RFC to be allowed to place requests.
Download declaration here: Declaration on General Terms & Conditions
How to apply

PCS is the only tool for publishing the binding offer for PaPs and RC, as well as for placing international path requests on ScanMed RFC.
Access to the tool is free of charge and granted to all applicants who have a valid PCS User Agreement signed with RNE. To receive access to the tool, please contact support.pcs@rne.eu.