The Connecting Europe Days, it goes without saying, were all about connections – between countries, regions, and cities, of course, but also projects and people. At the exhibition, we thus had the possibility to share insights and ideas with several key associations and companies and discuss the synergies between our projects.
Going up the ScanMed Corridor, here are some of our strategic partners at CED:
- The Brenner Corridor Platform, a cooperation platform including national and regional authorities, IMs, RUs, and BBT SE and working on holistic solutions to establish an harmonised Brenner Corridor between Munich and Verona.
- The GALLERIA DI BASE DEL BRENNERO – BRENNER BASISTUNNEL BBT SE, the company constructing the Brenner Base Tunnel between Austria and Italy.
- Femern A/S, the company constructing the Femern Belt Tunnel between Denmark and Germany.
- STRING, a political organisation aimed at boosting sustainable transport and green growth across borders in Northern Europe.
- GREATER4H, a public-private partnership intent at developing a green corridor of hydrogen refueling stations between Oslo and Hamburg.
- The Scandria Alliance, an association of cities and regions collaborating on climate-smart multimodal transport connectivity and sustainable regional development between Scandinavia and the Adriatic Sea.
- The Grønn Jyllandskorridor, a collaborative project contributing to the development of more efficient and sustainable multimodal transport along the Jutland Corridor between southern Norway, western Sweden, and Denmark.
- The Botniska Korridoren, a joint effort between seven Swedish regions whose goal is to strengthen the country’s transport infrastructure and improve connections between northern Scandinavia and the rest of Europe.
- The Nya Ostkustbanan, an interest organisation working to build a double-track railway on Sweden’s East Coast Line.
- The Norrbotniabanan, an interest organisation working to complete the North Bothnia railway between the Swedish cities of Umeå and Luleå.
The importance of the ScanMed Corridor was on full display in Brussels. We were proud to be flanked by so many key partners and look forward to seeing their projects flourish!