On Tuesday, ScanMed RFC Program Implementation Manager Sven Marius Gjeruldsen and Customer Relationship and Market Manager Kosta Tsesmetsis were invited to speak at the railway conference Jernbaneforum in Oslo. This year, the theme was the importance of the railway for sustainable development. As the Norwegian market has steadily transported more goods by rail out into the world since 2019, our representatives focused on border-crossing trains and European cooperation.

As part of the European Green Deal, the EU is now finalizing the revision of the TEN-T regulation, which also amends legislation concerning the Connecting Europe Facility and the RFCs. Moreover, the European Commission has included the delivery of a Greening Freight Package in its Work Programme 2023. Given these developments, Sven Marius presented “What do new EU rules mean for border-crossing trains,” illustrating how these legislative initiatives will have a major impact on European transport of both freight and passengers in the coming years.
Then, Kosta Tsesmetsis zoomed in on “Cross-border cooperation,” highlighting the work ScanMed RFC is doing to connect Europe more closely together and facilitate international freight transport. We are glad to share that both presentations were well received by the audience. Events like these are great occasions to showcase our mission to shift more goods from road to track. The future runs on the railway!