Publication of Reserve Capacity for TT2025

The ScanMed RFC Team is happy to announce that Reserve Capacity for TT2025 is now published and accessible in PCS and ready for you to order. In addition to fixed pre-arranged paths for the annual timetable, the Corridor also offers Reserve Capacity according to Art. 14.5 of EU Regulation 913/2010 in a flexible manner.

Reserve Capacity is our product for your new recurrent business needs within the running timetable and consists of remaining capacity in the running timetable dedicated to international ad-hoc freight trains on ScanMed RFC.

For the rest of 2024 and the whole timetable 2025 Reserve Capacity is ready for you to order here.

To download the Excel file, click here.

You can request it 30 days before the first day of operation on all Corridor sections North of Verona QE from Norway/Sweden to Italy. Reserve Capacity is offered as a contingent of “capacity slots” for international freight trains. There is one capacity slot available per day and direction on all mentioned sections. On behalf of the Infrastructure Managers, the C-OSS Manager will provide you with an internationally harmonized path offer until 10 days before the first running day at the latest.

Further details on this product and its benefits can be found on our website and in PCS or are downloadable anytime from our Customer Information Platform (CIP), together with all relevant information on the procedures for requesting and allocating capacity (Corridor Information Document Book 4), standard running times, unavailable days due to TCRs and train parameters. To access the CIP, please click here.

With this flexible capacity product we hope to deliver a useful service to your individual flexible traffic needs.

Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the C-OSS Manager at