First ever Rail Environmental Report

Within the railway sector, we pride ourselves of being the most environmentally friendly transport mode. However, just how “green” is rail, truly?

In its first ever Rail Environmental Report, the European Union Agency for Railways (ERA) highlights the ways in which our sector is contributing to create a more sustainable future by examining the environmental impacts of rail transport and assessing its path to sustainability.

So, what are the issues…

  • Noise and vibration (22 million EU citizens exposed)
  • GHG emissions and air pollutants (0.4% of EU transport emissions)
  • Land occupancy (half the size of Luxembourg)
  • Nature conservation and biodiversity (habitat loss and fragmentation)
  • External costs (at least €17.7 billion yearly just for rail freight)

… and how do we improve them?

  • Quieter routes
  • Rail electrification and technological innovation
  • Nature restoration
  • Modal shift to rail and effective multimodality

Overall, there is no doubting rail’s strong sustainability scorecard and credentials, thanks to low GHG emissions, a high degree of energy independence, a high efficiency in land-take, and durable assets.

Nonetheless, this should not be an excuse not to tackle remaining negative environmental impacts. Moreover, we also need to adapt our rail network to climate change through infrastructure resilience and adaptation.

Although it does not make proposals, this report could still serve as a basis to set priorities at different governance levels. It is a reading that we can only recommend. To download it, click here.