ScanMed is invited to speak at the Forum for Nordic Railway Association on the 19th of May.
We are happy to share the attached invitation (in Danish, below is the English translation) for our Scandinavian stakeholders!
Railway freight through the Øresund towards Fehmarnbelt opening
The Øresund Bridge’s capacity analysis says there is enough capacity on the connection also in the future, but that there is a lack of capacity on the facilities on both sides of the connection. Additional capacity is important for future expected growth in rail traffic, especially in the light of Fehmarn.
The opening of the Belt connection in 2029. For international rail freight traffic, this can be problematic, as it is dependent on additional capacity all the way between Norway, Sweden and the Continent.
At the same time, the political discussions about the infrastructure plans are in full swing on both sides of Øresund. However, the expected development of the rail freight is taken into account, especially after the opening of the Fehmarnbelt connection.
Moderator: Joachim Bak, bestyrelsesmedlem NJS Danmark
- Rail Freight Corridor ScanMed – Linda Thulin, ScanMed RFC, Trafikverket https://www.scanmedfreight.eu/
- The Railway Undertakings plans and what problems they see
– Green Cargo – Henrik Møller Larsen, Head of International Logistics https://www.greencargo.com/en/
– Hector Rail – Anders Bellander, Commercial Director https://www.hectorrail.com/
– DB Cargo Scandinavia – Oliver Gesche, CFO https://dk.dbcargo.com/rail-danmark-en
- Plans in Denmark – Jan Schneider-Tilli, Banedanmark Kortere indlæg https://uk.banedanmark.dk/
- Greater Copenhagen – Sten Hansen https://www.greatercph.com/
- Europaspåret Connecting Sweden and Denmark – Patrik Sterky, Kreera Afslutning og sidste spørgsmå https://www.europasparet.se/?lang=en
NJS – Forum for Nordic Railway Association is an independent society of individuals, acting in the Nordic railway sector, with the aim to be a link between the members with emphasis on the development of knowledge and affinity. NJS works to promote both co-operation and competition within the railway sector in the Nordic countries.