Unfortunately, this year saw a decrease in responses (-23% compared to 2023) as well as a decrease in customer satisfaction (-47%).
Like last year, we considered as satisfaction only answers reporting “satisfied” and “very satisfied” values in the belief that a slightly satisfied customer still sees much room for improvement in our activities and products rather than being generally satisfied.

Despite the sobering message in terms of overall satisfaction levels, customers remain particularly pleased with the services of the C-OSS and the Corridor’s communication outreach and information sharing activities. The handling of TCRs received lukewarm support, while the RFC’s train terformance measures and commercial offer continue to disappoint.

Even though this data is the result of a rather small survey, it rings a bell for the Corridor, as it seems that we are not living up to the expectations of our customers. Therefore, we need to listen carefully to them and tackle the issues raised in the report more forcefully. In 2025, we will try to deliver on that!