ScanMed RFC has been set up according to the provisions of the EU Regulation concerning a European rail network for competitive freight (Regulation EU 913/2010) and is based on an efficiency/effectiveness-oriented approach.
Political support for ScanMed’s actions is facilitated by the Executive Board (ExBo), which consists of representatives from the Member States’ transport authorities. The Executive Board defines the Corridor’s general objectives. The Management Board (MaBo), instead, is the decision-making body of the Infrastructure Managers (IMs), necessary for taking measures aimed at fulfilling the Corridor’s objectives.
Operational Structure
A dedicated Corridor Team is responsible for implementing the measures strategically set by the Management Board. The Corridor team consists of a Managing Director, a Corridor One-Stop-Shop Manager, an Accessibility Manager, a Customer and Relationships Manager, and an Administration and Communication Officer. Additionally, each Infrastructure Manager appoints a Program Implementation Manager (PIM) who supports the Corridor Team and ensures the national-side implementation of the defined actions.